Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This semester I had Life Drawing 2 with was just a review of what I had learned in Life Drawing one. I had to to take it cause it was an independent study and that was the only time the my teacher Amy had for me. I missed the first half of the class because art history crossed over but I just came in on Mondays and Tuesdays to make up for lost time. It was strange getting to choose how long you wanted a pose to go for. I always did a few quick gesture drawings then got right into the long poses unless the other student wanted something different, but most of the time we were in agreement.
The assignments that Amy gave me or I gave my self were first looking at Old Masters sketches the finding the muscles and highlight those sections and label them as well. In each pose I had to drawing the same muscles in a different way. Some time it would have to be foreshortened and other times it would have to be stretched out depending on your view. Then I moved on to Drawing bones. The big thing I learned there was that the arm and leg bones had plains on them that rapped around the surface to make the shape. These flat plains are were the bone connected to the muscles. If you drew these plains and connected them, they would make of the right shape of the bone. The final thing I learned it you can't away draw what is there. You have to really look at what is there but the take certain liberties to emblesh something so the viewer knows that that bone is suppose to be in front.

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